Logo LectO
Logo LectO

How to download LectO

LectO can be downloaded from any computer with Windows 10


You must follow these steps from your computer with Windows 10 in order for everything to work correctly. While LectO works on Windows 10, the app stopped receiving updates. To use the latest version, we recommend you to download LectO for Android or use the Web App.

First step

Go to this link or click the download button from our home page

Imagen Descarga LectO

You can search for 'LectO' directly in the Microsoft Store

Second step

Once you are in the LectO section in the Microsoft, click the 'Get' button

Imagen Descarga LectO

You may be prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account once you press the 'Get' button. If you do not have it, create one in order to doanload LectO.

This will start downloading LectO!